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tool - arch linux zfsonlinux automatically make and install from source

I am using the zfsonlinux for quite a long time now. For nearly a year, i switched machine by machine from different linux distributions to archlinux. Since switching to the cutting edge and uptodate distribution, i build the zfsonlinux from the arch linux aur on my own, update per update. This process was ok since i used zfs only on one machine for a longer time. But at the end of last year a usb harddrive predestined to be a zfs drive. At this time, the zfsonlinux is spreading out over alle machines which ends up in doing the zfsonlinux task machine per machine. Since i am getting tired and frustrated by wasting so much time and doing the same stuff each time, i started to implement a process to build the aur zfsonlinux on an arch linux system automatically.

Today, i am proud to present your the result, an apache ant based make environment. The project is available on All you have to do is install apache-ant, clone the previous mentioned repository, change in the cloned repository directory and call ant on your shell. I hope you enjoy it. Part of the manual.

NAME ant - automake for zfsonlinx files of SYNOPSIS ant [OPTION] DESCRIPTION Uninstalls current installed packages, download, build and install newest available packages. Following options are available. clean Removes existing sources and directories. init Executes clean. Creates directories and download sources. make Executes init and uninstall Make packes from available sources and installs the packages. uninstall Uninstalls installed packages. manual Prints out this manual.


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