web - Daniel Suarez: The kill decision shouldn't belong to a robot
As a novelist, Daniel Suarez spins dystopian tales of the future. But on the TEDGlobal stage, he talks us through a real-life scenario we all need to know more about: the rise of autonomous robotic weapons of war. Advanced drones, automated weapons and AI-powered intelligence-gathering tools, he suggests, could take the decision to make war out of the hands of humans. [...]source
I've eaten the books of daniel suraez because he is creating a scenario that is consistent and, for my point of view, not that impossible to happen. Nevertheless, the talk i've linked above is summing up the fears he is stoking in his books. Especially the ideas about modern warlords. What we, as human beings in the world, need is a treaty about robotic and anonymous weapons. The quote him "No robot should have an expectation of privacy in an public space." - meaning full transparency for humans. He also makes clear, that robotic weapons is something the military will burn their fingers on and we as society have to put some effort on it, to stop development for this reason. And for the military folks who stumbles over this few lines, no crypto-warfare won't help or is an solution, please believe that.
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