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How to update your arch linux without the kernel

If you are using archzfs and the zfsonlinux, you know that it can happen from time to time that you have to wait until packages are updated to the newest kernel (or lts kernel). Whenever you want to upgrade your system, you get an error like the following.

:: Starting full system upgrade...
resolving dependencies...
looking for conflicting packages...
error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
:: spl-linux-lts: installing linux-lts (4.9.32-1) breaks dependency 'linux-lts=4.9.30'
:: zfs-linux-lts: installing linux-lts (4.9.32-1) breaks dependency 'linux-lts=4.9.30'
:: zfs-utils-linux-lts: installing linux-lts (4.9.32-1) breaks dependency 'linux-lts=4.9.30'

To update your system without the kernel (and its dependencies), you can use the following trick.

#example if you use the lts kernel
#if you use plain pacman
pacman -Syyu --ignore=linux-lts,linux-lts-headers
#if you use pacaur
pacaur pacman -Syyu --ignore=linux-lts,linux-lts-headers

Thats it :-).


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