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web - Indect - Bürger unter Generalverdacht

[...] Die Vorsitzende des Arbeitskreises für Netzpolitik und des CSU-Netzrates Dorothee Bär sagte: "Ich wünsche mir den Aktionstag gegen Indect als ein klares Zeichen und einen ähnlichen Weckruf wie den, der letztendlich zum Ende von Acta geführt hat. Indect bedeutet Überwachung ohne Maß und Ziel und sprengt alles, was wir bisher an präventiven Sicherheitskonzepten diskutiert haben. Die Tatsache, dass Daten aus Überwachungskameras mit Daten aus dem Internet wie zum Beispiel sozialen Netzwerken verglichen und 'abnormales' Verhalten erkannt werden soll, erzeugt bei mir ein regelrechtes Schaudern." [...] Gegner kritisieren nicht nur die Überwachung selbst, die laut Bundesdatenschützer Peter Schaar, zumindest in Deutschland illegal ist. Wie eine Software unterscheiden kann, ob jemand lediglich nach seinem Schlüssel sucht oder das Auto aufbrechen will, ist ebenfalls ein Kritikpunkt.

Hoffen wir, dass wir nicht genug vom Demonstrieren haben, sondern eher vom Aktaresultat aufgweckt worden - wir können etwas bewegen!

howto - simple backupscript for your linux home

The backupscripts i provide in this blog entry doesn't contain any voodoo. But when you start with linux, i hope it will put a lot of personal insecurity away. Perfectly, you will became more secure working with the shell by using this scripts. Since you have to adapt the scripts, you have to read it. I tried to add a lot of comments to it but i do not repeat a comment.

The heart of my backup script is a script that calls further scripts. This lets you easily extend your backup process without changing your backup command. Furthermore, you just have to set one alias in your bashrc (like "alias backupHome='sh ~/code/sh/local/';") you have to call. For me, the backupscript first calls a script that tar's all my settings. After this script is finished, a second script rsync's all wished files to a backup path. Rsync should be your first choice for syncing folders. Read the manual for rsync or some howto's in the web if you want to know more about it works or why i used the settings i used.

The script that tar's all my settings is quit simple. It first renames/moves the existing tar to an old name (if it exists), then tar's all the given settings into an archive and deletes the backup if the new tar was created. You can see, it is more or less just a tar call with a list of files or directories you want to have in the tar.

The second script executes the rsync call with some parameters and with the "from" and the "to" directory path. Pretty straight forward, isn't it? When you download this script, you only have to edit some areas. In the, you have to edit the path where your other scripts where stored. In the, you have to edit the settings you want to tar. I don't think you are using all the tools i use ;-). In the, you have to edit the two paths and also the directories you want to rsync. I created a tar with all three scripts for you as download backup.tar.gz and also added the scripts for copy and paste below. Have fun with it and if you find errors or something you want to add, feel free.

#!/bin/bash # This script tars all the files into an tar.gz archive. It backups an old copy before creating the new one and deletes the backup on success. # # @author artodeto # @param string TARBALL - the name of the tar.gz you want to create # @param string TARBALLOLD - the name for the backup # @param string DIRECTORY - the name where you want to store the TARBALL # @since 2012-07-25 TARBALL='settings.tar.gz' TARBALLOLD="$TARBALL.old" DIRECTORY='/home/artodeto/backup/' if [ -f "$DIRECTORY$TARBALL" ]; then echo 'renaming old settings' mv "$DIRECTORY$TARBALL" "$DIRECTORY$TARBALLOLD" fi tar -czf "$DIRECTORY$TARBALL" ~/.viminfo ~/.filezilla ~/.wireshark ~/.umlet ~/.vim ~/.netbeans ~/.config ~/.ssh ~/.bashrc ~/.notion ~/.irssi ~/.VirtualBox ~/.conkyrc ~/.mozilla ~/.gnome2_private ~/.pentadactyl if [ -f "$DIRECTORY$TARBALL" ]; then echo 'removing old settings' rm "$DIRECTORY$TARBALLOLD" fi

#!/bin/bash # This script rsyncs all given diretories from on path to another. # # @author artodeto # @param string DIRECTORIES - all the directories you want to rsynced # @param string SOURCE - from where you want to rsync # @param string DESTINATION - to where you want to rsync # @since 2012-07-25 DIRECTORIES='coding data backup log scripts bin config doc tool' SOURCE='/home/artodeto/' DESTINATION='/home/artodeto/share/in/backup' for DIRECTORY in $DIRECTORIES; do rsync -vrptgoLDu --delete $SOURCE$DIRECTORY/ $DESTINATION/$DIRECTORY/ done;


This script executes all steps for your backup.

@author artodeto

@since 2012-07-25

if file exists, execute it

if [ -f ~/code/sh/local/backup/ ]; then echo '----' echo 'starting tar the settings' echo '----' sh ~/code/sh/local/backup/ fi

if [ -f ~/code/sh/local/backup/ ]; then echo '----' echo 'starting rsync directorys' echo '----' sh ~/code/sh/local/backup/ fi

web - Machen sich Facebook-Verweigerer verdächtig?

Wecken Jugendliche, die keinen Facebook-Account besitzen, also Misstrauen? Bei einigen Personalabteilungen in den USA bestimmt, wurden dort doch zuletzt Fälle bekannt, in denen Chefs von ihren Bewerbern die Zugangsdaten für ihr Profil verlangten. Wer kein Profil besitzt, für den gibt es auch kein Jobangebot, weil er etwas zu verbergen hat. [...]

Es hat einen ja schon gewundert, dass dies so lange dauert. Zum einen die Ignoranz über die Möglichkeit, dass man auch ohne Facebook gut leben kann. Zum Anderen das augenscheinliche Unverständnis, dass "nichts zu verbergen haben" kein Grund für ein Verzicht auf Privatsphäre zur Folge hat. Im Grunde hat die gleiche Ausrede schon die allseits bekannte Stasi, wie auch das FBI in ihren vielen Wassermühlenpredigten eindringlich wiederholt und unter diesem Schirm der Scheinheiligkeit Überwachungsprogramme installiert, die ihresgleichen suchen. Apropos, ihr macht euch auch verdächtig, wenn ihr euer Mobilfunktelefon ausschaltet um mal Ruhe vor der Welt zu haben, machts also besser nicht ;-).

folder structure

Since my first impact with the electrical zero and one processing machine, i am thinking about a well structured folder structure - so the same thing you are doing day in and day out ;-). Finally, after many tests, my current folder structure is stable for a long time. This could either mean "it fits my needs" or "well i'm getting used to it". I'm crossing fingers it's the first guess :-). Nevertheless, since this is my blog about coding, politics and the world, i would share my knowledge, so also my folder structure. Take a look to it, i listed the main idea below and also prepared a kind of "folder structure template" you can download. If you have suggestions for improvements, add a comment.

/home/$user |-/backup contains backups |-/bin contains binaries like games, programms |-/code contains sourcecode ____|-/php contains php sourcecode ________|-/script contains php sourcecode ________|-/project contains php projects ________|-/library contains php librarys ____|-/sh contains shellscript sourcecode |-/config contains configuration files ____|-/apache contains apache config files ____|-/bashrc |-/data contains binary user data files |-/doc contains documents ____|-/city contains city relevant files ____|-/financial contains financial files ________|-/2012 contains files from 2011 ____|-/howto contains howtos ____|-/template contains templates, like folder structure template ;-) |-/media contains media ____|-/audio contains audio files ____|-/image contains image files ____|-/video contains video files |-/other contains not sortable files |-/share contains shared files and mounted shares ____|-/out contains provided shares ____|-/in contains mounted shares |-/temp contains temporary files or "to sort" files |-/tool contains tools