Posted by artodeto on
for the community?
- do not block new possible members
- ideas comes from our background
- people with different background would have different ideas
for the affected individuals
- only the ones working with (open source) software can have impact on the way this software will grow
- those people with better starting conditions have better opportunities
mental schemas equals duck typing
- common ground differs if you thing about "woman" and "programmers"
- if "she" does not fit into the category of a programmer, she would not be recognized as a programmer
how does dis impact the daily routine
- implicit bias
- stereotype threat
- ingroup bias
- accumulating disadvantage
now, what can we do?
- not doing dramatic shifts
- more of beeing aware
- doing small stuff
- thinking of your values in challenging situations
- insist on a fair distribution of stereotypical tasks
- seek out visible, influential roles
- focus on learning over performing
- evaluate fairly, objectively and anonymized
- encurage and support "safe spaces"
- endorse, promote and mentor minority community members
- share stories of your own struggles in similar situations
- participate fairly in stereotypical tasks
- refer to objective standards when giving feedback
- encourage minority members to take opportunities
typicall learning curve
- unconscious incompetence
- consicous incomepence (current state in community)
- conscious competence
- unconscious competence