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howto - mount filesystem via ssh using sshfs

First of all, you have to install "sshfs". After that you just have to type.

sshfs $user@$host:/path/to/dir /path/to/mount
If fuse throws an error of permission, you have to add your user to the group fuse by typing:
usermod -a -G fuse $user
After you re-logged-in you can see by typing "groups" in your shell that everything is done fin. Do not want to logoff? Try
su $user
in your shell. This is a new login and so your new group is available now. Just another hint, if you want to access symbolic links, try:
-o follow_symlinks
-o transform_symlinks
The man page will help you to understand what you are doing. Now put everything as an alias in your bashrc (or something similar) and you are done :-).
alias mountMyShare="sshfs $user@host:/path/to/dir /path/to/mount -o follow_symlinks"; alias umountMyShare="fusermount -u /path/to/mount";
Happy mounting and unmounting.

tool - cli file manager with vi keybindings - ranger and vifm

Searching for perfect tools seams to have a long tradition. Also switching from gui tools to cli tools back to gui and so one is a great game. This time i decided to try out some cli file managers. Since we are working on the cli it is a massive benefit if the software supports vi keybindings.

At first i tried a recommended tool called ranger. It feels very naturaly when you browse your dictionaries and it looks like the osx finder in console mode - maybe the finder "adopt" his design from a cli tool that i do not know so i do not know if the compare is correct, do not blame me for that ;-). It still feels a bit under development but it is no wasted time if you give him a try. A short howto can be found here

Second file manager i tried is vifm. It is definitly a file manager for vi lovers :-). Vifm provides, if wished, a two panel view like used by mc. Since i am a vi (i know vi is the center of eVIl), i like working with vifm and with the option of having a two panel layout if feels like mc on (vi) dope :-D. This tool definitely get a "try it out" mark, do it! A short help can be found here

tool - doublecmd tabable filemanager open source windows linux

If i have never told you before, i am a really big fan of the "tab" concept. I was an early adopter of the mozilla suite (version 0.8 somewhat) while the software was full of bugs and was crashing more often the windows me. I am also a friend of the orthodox filemanagers concept and while browsing trough the world wide web i found a nice one called doublecmd.

Doublecmd itself is a file manager and behaves like the well known total commander. Do not get me wrong, i would use total command if they would provide a linux version - as far as i remember this was main reason to "go for a hunt" on the www to finde something similar to the total commander. In the end i found the doublecmd, installed it and now love it. So what are the main features of the doublecmd?

  • It is a double window filemanager
  • You can work on multiple paths and directorys by using tabs
  • Supports multiple renaming
  • Move file operations to queue
  • Use archives like directorys
  • Supports plug-ins
  • Portable version available

Try it out, it is hard not to use it. And when there will be a opportunity to donate, please do so as i will. So far, thats for all the fish doublecmd developers!

web - Das National Operations Center (Teil des DHS) fährt ein Journalisten-Beschnüffelprogramm

Das wird immer übler in den USA. Aktueller Zwischenstand: Das National Operations Center (Teil des DHS) fährt ein Journalisten-Beschnüffelprogramm. Um wen geht es da? Nun, um praktisch jeden:
[...] Washington has written permission to collect and retain personal information from journalists, news anchors, reporters or anyone who uses “traditional and/or social media in real time to keep their audience situationally aware and informed.”
Mit anderen Worten: jeder Twitter-User, jeder Blogger, jeder Email-Schreiber, jeder Usenet-Poster. Jeder. Man beachte, dass das ausdrücklich persönliche Daten sind. Und was machen sie mit den Daten? Festhalten!
[...] the website “Fast Company” reports that the NOC Monitoring Initiative has been in play since at least early-2010 and that the data is being shared with both private sector businesses and international third parties.

Danke fefe für den Hinweis. Sehr schön zu wissen das damit jeder, der seine Meinung äußert kontrolliert werden darf. Mal schauen wann Stasi 2.0 auf eine ähnliche Idee kommt.