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arch linux - kernel 3.6.10-1-ARCH zfsonlinux available

Time is ticking, arch linux has updated its kernel to 3.6.10-1 and zfsonlinx in the aur can handle that. Sounding like a broken record, download spl-utils, spl, zfs-utils, zfs and build it. Use "sudo depmod -a" to generate your modules.dep and map files with the lates versions. Use " sudo systemctl enable zfs.service" if you want to add zfs as systemd service.

howto - migrate systemV to systemd - adapting grub2

Since i'm on it to migrate my fifth machine from systemV to systemd (with an delay of over one week per machine) and i've searched now the third time a the solution for the following step, i want to provide my results here. I am using the archlinux migration howto (german) and i always struggle with the part "add >>init=/bin/systemd<< to the kernel line of your boot loader". The debian wiki provides a description for this task when you are using grub2.

# $EDITOR /etc/default/grub GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet init=/lib/systemd/systemd" <--- Change this line # update-grub # or (for arch linux) #grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg

howto - arch linux convert rc.conf DEAMONS to systemd

So you have a lot of deamons inside you rc.conf file and want/have to convert to systemd? For Example your rc.conf contains the following DEAMONS.

DEAMONS=(crond sshd ntpd acpid network)
Use systemctl enable $foo.service like in the following way.
systemctl enable dhcpdeth0.service cronie.service acpid.service ntpd.service sshd.service