Geschrieben von artodeto am
I happy to announce the release of 1.0.2 of bazzlines zend framework 2 console helper (debian backport) module for php. Important changes are:
- removed dependency to apigen
- updated dependencies
Geschrieben von artodeto am
I happy to announce the release of 1.3.3 of bazzlines zend framework 2 locator generator module for php. Important changes are:
- updated dependencies
- removed apigen dependency
- fixed dependency issue
- added factory for controller creation
- updated to locator generator 1.4.0
- added documentation @todo - add link
- added migration
- added link to debian 6 / zend framework 2.2 backport
- prefixed console commands with "net_bazzline" to not pollute the available command environment
Geschrieben von artodeto am
I happy to announce the release of 1.0.3 of bazzlines zend framework 2 console helper module for php. Important changes are:
- removed apigen dependency
- added use statement into example
- added link to demo environment
- added link to debian 6 / zend framework 2.2 backport
- added minimum version of zend framework 2 to 2.3.* since AbstractConsoleController is mandatory
- updated dependencies
Geschrieben von artodeto am
I happy to announce the release of 1.2.2 of bazzlines zend framework 2 locator generator module for php. Important changes are:
- added factory for controller creation
- added migration
- update dependencies
- removed dependency from apigen