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Easy Up Migration From Existing Log4Php Applications To Psr Logger Applications

It is a bit mean to put such a headline on top, but thats the current status we have to deal with at our company. I also don't want to bash somebody, Log4Php is doing its job in a great way. But since i developed a proxy logger component, i want to use it. The proxy logger component can work with psr logger interface, so i need to create a adapter to get it used ;-).

The psr and log4php adapter is a easy component and provides only two classes.

  • Log4Php to Psr Logger Bridge
  • Psr Logger to Log4PhP Bridge
  • Log4Php Logger Interface

The usage is simple, depending on the way you either choose the adapter "Log4PhpToPsrLoggerAdapter" or "PsrToLog4PhpAdapter". The only drawback, you are loosing the "trace" log level of log4php and all the fancy stuff of a log4php logger. This component is simple and has just a few lines of code (you are welcome to join), so the main focus is to support the log level methods like "$logger->warn()" and not more.

create simple and reusable validators using the php requirement component - php component requirement 1.0.4 released

I updated the requirement component to 1.0.4. The new version contains the validator example. By creating this example, i added two new features for upcoming releases, so stay tuned :-).

The example is shipped with a validator collection which contains all needed validator items. It would definitely make more sense, if you would name that validator collection more specific like "IsValidTableForGermany" (or "IsValidUserName" if you want to switch context). All validator items need a injected table example class. Since the requirement component is dealing with automatically injection, you don't have to take care about this :-).

As you can see in the example class, all you have to do is to inject the item you want to validate and call "isMet()". The example itself creates a bunch of tables by choosing random properties.

What are the benefits of using the requirement component also for validation? Reusable and simple testable validator items and a endless flexibility of item combination by using the power of existing and and or condition.

  • add example to use the component as validator

Enjoy it :-).

web - tips and tricks about php filehandling and handling json files

While developing an example for the heartbeat component, i run into problems dealing with file handling in php. The problem comes from race conditions by reading and writing (updating) the same files. I must admit, it still needs some time to solve this problem in a sufficient way, but i'm on it.
Nevertheless, two shiny links where found by my preferred search engine and it would be a shame to not share them.

The first link has the title handling json like a boss in php. The page shows you how to encode and decode json files in php. What i liked very much, it also contains an error handling part. Shame on my side, i was not aware of the json_last_error function, now i am :-).

The second link headlines itself PHP File-handling tips and tricks and it contains a lot. I like, that the author puts back the SPLFileObject and SPLFileInfo into the limelight.
Even better, i wasn't aware of the available stream "php://temp". Thank you both!