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php storm earth day nice price until 22. of april 2013

Ever tried php storm and thought about purchasing this software? Well, it could be your week. The Personal License is available for 53 Euro (exklusive VAT). Go to the page and purchase.

PhpStorm is also available as aur package.

If you want to use build in update mechanism, go to /opt/phpstorm and try the following. create a group called developer by using "groupadd developer". Add your useraccout to the group by using "usermod -a -G developer myUser". Since you are in "/opt/phpstorm", you now have to change the group from root to developer by using "sudo chgrp -R developer *". After that you have to add the write right for the new group by using "sudo chmod -R g+w *". Thats it, happing using.

Getting the following error:

raspberry pi openpvn
and thats why you have to start phpstorm via console? Open /opt/phpstorm/bin/ and search for following line.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------- # COMMENT LINE BELOW TO REMOVE PAUSE AFTER OPEN JDK WARNING # --------------------------------------------------------------------- read IGNORE
Change it to.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------- # COMMENT LINE BELOW TO REMOVE PAUSE AFTER OPEN JDK WARNING # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # comment line by artodeto 130418 # read IGNORE

tool - serendipity syntax plugin highlighting

After seeing syntax highlighting by a friend, i decided to update my serendipity also. After a little bit of trying, i am now using "Prettify for S9Y (serendipity_event_prettify)". How to use it? Quite simple, install it and use "<pre class="prettyprint lang-foo">your code</pre>" to cover your codeblock. The following languages are supported right now:

lang-bsh lang-c lang-cc lang-cpp lang-cs lang-csh lang-cyc lang-cv lang-htm lang-html lang-java lang-js lang-m lang-msml lang-perl lang-pl lang-pm lang-py lang-rb lang-sh lang-xhtml lang-xml lang-xsl
By the way, you also get a fancy button on the "create entry page" for free. Just mark a text and click the button and magic javascript is encoding your html entities for you.

work - pair programming

What a session, my team and obviously i finished a pair programming task and it was such a joy to work that way. It feels like a race against each other but you are absolutely happy when you crossed the finish line as team! A great fun, but as on every race, you are a bit drained when you finished ;-). And by the way, you are feeling like "going to swim without life jacket" when you commit your code without a unittest so that a teammate can work and test with the code :D.

php - how to explode a string with multiple delimiters without using preg_split

The task is to split a string by a set of delimiters. preg_split could be an option but there is an easier way ;-). Why not combine str_replace and explode? First, we replace all known delimiters with a special (and hopefully unique) string. After that, we have a string with one delimiter, so it became a suitable task for explode. Take a look to the sourcecode below.

<\?php $nl = PHP_EOL; $string = 'Word1, Word2 , Word3 and Word4 or Word5 oder Wort6 / Word 7 Word-8'; $delimiters = array( ', ', ' , ', ' oder ', ' or ', ' / ', ' und ', ' and ' ); $words = array(); $unionPlaceholder = 'ARTODETO_BAZZLINE_NET_UNION_PLACEHOLDER'; $unifiedString = str_replace($delimiters, $unionPlaceholder, $string); $words = explode($unionPlaceholder, $unifiedString); echo 'splitting following string:' . $nl . '"' . $string . '"' . $nl; echo '----' . $nl; foreach ($words as $word) { echo $word . $nl; }
You see, no magic but a possible timesaver. Have fun with it.