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web - The Git 2.2.0 release candidate 1 is now available as this latest big update to Git stabilizes.

The Git 2.2.0 release candidate 1 is now available as this latest big update to Git stabilizes.

The Git 2.2 version control system is bringing many improvements to its variety of sub-commands, numerous improvements to Git merge tools, a signed option for Git push, performance improvements, and many bug fixes.

More information on Git 2.2.0-rc1 can be found via Friday's release announcement by Junio Hamano.


froscon - supercool tool to create user documentation

We were just sitting around, having a chat and waiting for the next talks while a nice guy comes into our view area and asks a mighty question.

Do you want to see something cool?

Well ... I have to think about this for a few seconds, it could be cool cool or ... well, I am a kid from the internet so I figured out early that "cool" not always means "cool" for normal users.
But, we all decided to say "yes" and happily it does not turned out to became like "one night, in new york city".

He gave us a short demonstration on what is all about. It is easy as and cool as hell all in once!
When I am back, I have to show it around in my company (for open source projects, it is free).
What is it all about?
You can records "how tos" and create slideshows out it. Too cool, if you page changes (not the dom ids of course), the slideshow will get updated.

By the way, did I mention the asker was a super nice guy. Go for it, your dream is reachable :-).

web - If half the people who get this email do this, we could end censorship forever

Dear Fight for the Future member,

Imagine how awful it would be if your favorite websites were blocked by your government. And if, no matter how tech-savvy you were, every tool or trick you used to escape censorship was blocked in a matter of months.

That's what life is like for China's entire population of 1.3 billion people. In the country that produces 90% of the world's smartphones, you can’t even reach YouTube – and the government shuts down anti-censorship tools as soon as they become popular.

But now, there's a new hope in the fight against censors: Lantern.

Lantern is an app that anyone can run to fight censorship. When you run it, you join a global network: If your Internet is uncensored, you *give* uncensored access to others. If your Internet is censored, you can *get* uncensored access via someone else.

Can you take one step right now that will help thousands break free from Internet censorship? Download and install Lantern!

Lantern’s features make it really hard to block. It disguises its traffic and bounces it through popular, costly-to-censor services. It also builds a giant cloud of volunteer proxies, using a "six degrees of separation" trick to find friends of friends to proxy through, increasing the number of internet addresses involved and making it impractical for censors to block every one. But to make this work, we need thousands of people (you!) to download Lantern and run it.

Sometimes the Internet wins by banding together as a community. Sometimes we win through clever technical tricks. This time, the problem requires both: we need to come together around tools like this to get a victory.

Lantern is free, open source, and just takes a minute. Can you install Lantern and help beat China's censors?

Once you install it, you forget it's there. I've been running Lantern for months now with no issues. Please do install it now!

Holmes Wilson
Fight for the Future


I must admit, it is late on my side and all I did was give it a short try. There is no official package for my current linux distribution and the unofficial is broken. But the source code is available on github so it should be possible to build it.

web - Propel 1.7.0 (PHP ORM) released

Just the fixes from the changelog.

## 2013-10-21: Version 1.7.0 ##

2bb6d2d fix DebugPDOStatement for usage with execute
ceee8a9 fixed a getter function without '$con'
f30aa35 Fixed diff task combined with skipSql
9087851 Fix namespace support
b9a8ad7 Fix small error in the QueryBuilder Doc for TemporalType
a5226c9 fix bug when adding previously removed relations
52d8a76 fix for CASE expression in query with offset in ms sql
0cfa3db Fix accidental type conversion in sluggable behavior.
c1fc85d Fixed issue with migrations and decimal or numeric table size
a6c3218 fix scheduledForDeletion for CrossFK w/ refPhpName
70c18d2 Undefined index fix
2193ba4 Fixed MigrationManager to use queries and charset settings
d37b4cd Fixed object builder toArray withColumn
7e173bc Fixed test assertion
4a5eba2 Fixed Sluggable behavior combining with symfony_i18n
c4b61cc Bugfix for PHP < 5.3.0
f6031de Foreign Keys default behaviors managment (resolves issue #390)
130429f Fix some issues. Closes #684
193f736 Fix a couple of mistakes
3ea2f2d Issue #677: Set back reference when calling add Provided tests for testing if all references are set for crossreferences before saving
4495b9f fixed transaction leak when exception different from PropelException is thrown
3bf0689 fix deleting related objects
8f75133 Fixed #651. Stupid typo.
5b7878a clean
54362ae fixed urls to trac tickets -> 75a15f1 fix generated CS of SoftDelete in forceDelete()
937ff8b fix timing issues in TimestampableBehaviorTest
fbc1b3a fix some introspections, coding style
93c6a0f Fixes JOIN duplication issue when default join type equals given join type (issue #373) dcace44 Bugfix for join equality when default join type is used
644931d Fixed typos
efb83ee fixed __clone() for PropelCollections containing scalar values
366e1df fixed test
288e91d Fixed #603

For more information, take a look to the changelog. Thanks to the propel team and have fun to everyone.