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howto - stop bugging me google-analytics

Don't want to be tracked with (and never want to use it)? Just add a few lines to your hosts file (unix: /etc/hosts, windows c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts).
Thats it, use and extend it at your own risk. The trick (if you can call it like that) is simple but works quite well. P.S.: For the mozilla firefox webbrowser i can suggest the extension ghostery.

howto - mount filesystem via ssh using sshfs

First of all, you have to install "sshfs". After that you just have to type.

sshfs $user@$host:/path/to/dir /path/to/mount
If fuse throws an error of permission, you have to add your user to the group fuse by typing:
usermod -a -G fuse $user
After you re-logged-in you can see by typing "groups" in your shell that everything is done fin. Do not want to logoff? Try
su $user
in your shell. This is a new login and so your new group is available now. Just another hint, if you want to access symbolic links, try:
-o follow_symlinks
-o transform_symlinks
The man page will help you to understand what you are doing. Now put everything as an alias in your bashrc (or something similar) and you are done :-).
alias mountMyShare="sshfs $user@host:/path/to/dir /path/to/mount -o follow_symlinks"; alias umountMyShare="fusermount -u /path/to/mount";
Happy mounting and unmounting.

Tool - Create Multiboot USB Stick - windows linux

Since the capacity of usb sticks are raising and raising, it would be a perfect deal to have "one usb stick for all live operation systems".
For that reason, the boys and girls from sardu have created a beautiful windows tool for you. It is so simple and quite powerful that you just need to download, use and donate to it!

Wait, you are already on the right os side with the cookies and also want to have a tool like that?
Try to use liveusb.