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web - freiesMagazin 07/2015 erschienen

Trotz der Hitzewelle ist es den Freiwilligen rund um das kostenlose Magazin auch diesen Monat gelungen, eine neue Ausgabe herauszubringen. Die Juniausgabe von »freiesMagazin« widmet sich unter anderem den Themen »Debian GNU/Linux 8.0 „Jessie“«, »Mit LaTeX zum E-Book« und das Tool »cut«.

Zur Ausgabe.

howto - add usage of owncloud to you android phone and your thunderbird


Big thanks to the "Google to Owncloud, Contacts and Calendar" entry. This really helps me a lot.
Especially, the link above tells you how to configure your android phone and your mozilla thunderbird (with lightning) to setup the synchronisation with your owncloud.
I gave it a try with "caldav free sync beta" but had a long run of bad luck. After a while, I gave "CalDAV-Sync" a try and it is worth its money since it is working out of the box. Setting up the "carddav" synchronization is also a no brainer, but converting the google contacts to the owncloud contacts is something not that easy for me as a no-gui-user.


For "carddav" (address book) synchronization, you need to install sogo connector.
For "caldav" (calendar) synchronization, you need to install "lightning". The "howto" is described in the first link above.


I found one issue in my owncloud configuration file (config/config.php) and could solve it by adding "1 => 'my.owncloud.domain:443'" to the "trusted domain" array key.